Martin Ayres

Martin, a national expert in child protection, was previously Head of Inspection for ISI. He was also an HMI and Head of Suffolk County Council Children’s Services. Martin prepares schools and colleges for inspection, advising on quality assurance arrangements, measuring outcomes, and auditing both in the UK and overseas.
- He has HMI status with regard to inspection activity.
- Previously Head of Suffolk County Council Children’s Services and was heavily involved with the Department of Health in developing outcome measures for children’s services leading his secondment in 1997 as senior consultant to the National Looking After Children Project Team, where he was extensively involved in the development of a framework for measuring outcomes for vulnerable children.
- When Ofsted absorbed SSI in 2004, Martin became lead inspector for Joint Area Reviews of Children’s Services and Local Authority inspections of safeguarding and services to Children in Care (SLAC).
- During his work with Ofsted, he inspected a substantial number of Local Authorities in England, including those where there had been high-profile cases and political and media interest.
- In 2013 Martin was invited to become Head of Inspection for the Independent Schools Inspectorate with a particular focus on strengthening inspection arrangements in private schools and further education colleges. In this role he was responsible for all inspection activity in relation to independent schools and colleges in England and overseas.
- He is a national expert in child protection and the promotion of child and family welfare. He now helps schools and colleges prepare for inspection and advising on quality assurance arrangements, measuring outcomes and auditing both in the UK and overseas and is authorised by the Home Office to deliver ‘Prevent’ awareness training.
You can contact Martin by email at [email protected]